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Nr.  TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
51CarteSAA1.1Saarinen, RistoWeakness of the will in medieval thoughtnu
52CarteSAF1.1Saffrey, Henri DominiqueRecherches sur le néoplatonisme après Plotinda
53CarteARI1.34Aristotel; Alexandru din Afrodisia; Plotin; Themistius; Averroes; Albert cel Mare; Toma din Aquino; Siger din BrabantDespre unitatea intelectuluida
54CarteARI1.32Aristotel; Plotin; Augustin; Ioan Filopon; Alkindi; Avicenna; Avencebrol; Averroes; Algazel; Albert cel Mare; Toma din Aquino; Siger din Brabant; Boetius din Dacia; Henri din GandDespre eternitatea lumiida
55CarteLIV1.1Le Livre des XXIV Philosophesda
56CarteANS1.6Anselmo d'AostaLibertà e arbitrio (De libertate arbitrii)da
57CarteGAL1.1Galileo GalileiSidereus nunciusda
58CarteSOR1.1Sorabji, RichardPhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Scienceda
59CartePHI1.6PhiloponusAgainst Aristotle, on the Eternity of the Worldda
60CartePHY1.1Physiologus latinusda
61CarteJOL1.3Jolivet, JeanRésumés des conférences et travauxda
62CarteBAU1.10Baumgarten, Alexander7 idei inrauritoare ale lui Aristotelda
63CarteHUG1.4Hugo de Saint-Victor; Taylor, Jerome (transl.)The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victorda
64CartePLO1.6.1PlotinEnnéades I-IIda
65CartePLO1.6.2PlotinEnnéades III-IVda
66CartePLO1.6.3PlotinEnnéades V-VIda
67CartePLO1.6.4PlotinEnnéades IVbda
68CarteGAD1.1Gadamer, Hans-GeorgLa nuova interpretazione di Platoneda
69CarteHUG1.1Hugo de Saint-VictorDidascaliconda
70CarteARI1.27AristotelDespre sufletda
71CarteECK1.2Eckhart, MeisterIntrebari pariziene si alte scrierinu
72CarteALT1.1Iacobus de AltavilliaIn primum librum Sententiarum. Ms. Erfurt, Ampoloniana CA 2° 118da
73CarteGOD2.1Godescalp de NepomukSuper libros sententiarum. Ms. Kraków, BJ 1499da
74CarteBAU1.11Baumgarten, AlexanderVanatorul cu o singura sageatada
75CarteFRI2.1.1Friedberg, Aemilius (ed.)Corpus Iuris Canonici. Pars priorda